+91 98883 59595, +91 62830 17072 Monday to Saturday 09:00 am - 08:00 pm, Sunday on oppointmnet 10 AM to 2Pm

Adolescent Clinic

Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Children who are entering adolescence are going through many changes (physical, intellectual, personality and social developmental). Adolescence begins at puberty, which now occurs earlier, on average, than in the past. The end of adolescence is tied to social and emotional factors and can be somewhat ambiguous. 

The adolescent clinic is run by the department of Paediatrician and Neonatologist. The clinic provides free consultation for adolescent girls aged 10-19 years. The aim of the clinic to provide services covering every aspect of adolescent health including growth & development, common menstrual problems, immunization, nutritional deficiencies like anaemia, mental health issues including anxiety, depression & suicidal tendencies, adolescent reproductive & sexual health with special focus on HIV, AIDS & other STD's & contraception, teenage pregnancy & benefits of regular exercise & meditation.

Stages of Adolescent Development

Early Adolescence (Ages 10-14) : Early Adolescence occurs between ages 10-14. During this developmental period, adolescents experience the beginning stages of puberty. Both sexes experience significant physical growth and increased sexual interest. Cognitively, adolescents in this stage have a limited capacity for abstract thought but intellectual interests expand and become more important. Although adolescents in this stage have limited interest in the future, they develop deeper moral thinking during the early adolescence stage.

Middle Adolescence (Ages 15-17) : During the middle adolescence stage, puberty is completed for males and females. Physical growth slows for females but continues for males. Adolescents in this stage continue to experience a growing capacity for abstract thought. During this stage, adolescents begin to set long-term goals and become interested in the meaning of life and moral reasoning. Adolescents in this stage of development experience numerous social and emotional changes including increased self-involvement and an increased drive for independece.

Late Adolescence/Young Adulthood (Ages 18-24) :Adolescents in the late adolescence/young adulthood phase typically experience fewer physical developments and more cognitive developments. Adolescents gain the ability to think about ideas rationally, delay gratification, plan for the future, and gain a firm sense of identity. During this last phase of adolescent development, young people also experience increased emotional stability and independence. 

Since our beginnings, we have taken great pride in providing the highest quality of care to the children of our region. “We realize that great medical care is worthless unless a child is willing to see you. We also strive to win the hearts of the children we care for, making their doctor visit a pleasant experience.”  From the day your child is born until their nineteenth birthday, we focus on their physical, emotional, and psychological growth. We do our best to provide the complete care to this age group that paediatricians can uniquely offer.

Dr. Aakshi D. Sachar is taking care of all the issues which adolescent child faces.